Modint (for runtime constant modulo)
「$M$ で割った余りを求めよ」等の要求がある問題で使える dynamic_modint
構造体が定義されています。コンパイル時に $M$ の値が確定している場合には static_modint
を使用してください。基本的に static_modint
と同じように扱えるので、ここに載っていない内容は static_modint
構造体は 2 つのテンプレート引数を取ります。グローバルに 整数型の変数を宣言して、以下のようにして使います。
int MOD ;
using mint = lib :: dynamic_modint < decltype ( MOD ), & MOD > ;
型の変数は自動的に MOD
この型の変数を宣言(宣言時に初期化も行われます)する前に、必ず MOD
の値を標準入力から入力するなどして設定するようにしてください。そうでないと、$0$ での除算が発生します(厳密には、何も値を与えずに宣言するだけなら値が $0$ で初期化されるだけで問題は無いのでどうしてもグローバルに置きたい等の理由により MOD
の値が定まる前に宣言を行いたいならそれをしても構いません。しかし mint x = 200;
とは異なり、変数 MOD
という名前である必要はありません)は long long
Verified with
//! @file dynamic_modint.hpp
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
//! @brief Print warning message
//! @note You can suppress the warning by uncommenting the following line
# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (std::cerr << (msg) << '\n')
// # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))
# else
# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))
# define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# endif
//! @brief Assert macro
# define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__)
namespace lib {
namespace internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp {
template < typename Tp , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < Tp >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
using LongInt = std :: conditional_t < ( 64 <= std :: numeric_limits < Tp >:: digits ), __int128_t , std :: int_least64_t > ;
//! @brief modint (for runtime constant modulo)
//! @tparam Tp underlying integer type (e.g. int)
//! @tparam modulo_ptr pointer to modulo variable
template < typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
struct dynamic_modint {
Tp value ;
//! @param n non-zero integer
//! @return multiplicative inverse of n
//! @note Time complexity: O(log(n))
template < typename Sp >
[[ nodiscard ]] static Tp calc_inverse ( Sp n ) {
Tp b = * modulo_ptr , u = 1 , v = 0 , t ;
while ( b > 0 ) {
t = n / b ;
Tp tmp = ( n -= t * b );
n = b ;
b = tmp ;
tmp = ( u -= t * v );
u = v ;
v = tmp ;
if ( u < 0 )
u += * modulo_ptr ;
return static_cast < Tp > ( u );
//! @brief Calculate modulo and keep the value within [0, modulo)
//! @param v integer
//! @return integer within [0, *modulo_ptr)
//! @note Time complexity: O(1)
template < typename Sp >
static constexpr Tp clamp ( Sp v ) noexcept {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
if ( * modulo_ptr <= v || v < -* modulo_ptr )
v %= * modulo_ptr ;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
if ( v < 0 )
v += * modulo_ptr ;
return static_cast < Tp > ( v );
//! @brief underlying integer type
using type = Tp ;
//! @return reference to modulo (e.g. 1000000007)
[[ nodiscard ]] static type & mod () {
return * modulo_ptr ;
//! @brief Create a modint of value 0
constexpr dynamic_modint () noexcept : value ( 0 ) {}
//! @brief Create a modint without taking modulo
constexpr dynamic_modint ( const Tp v , bool ) noexcept : value ( v ) {}
//! @brief Create a modint
template < typename ValueType >
constexpr dynamic_modint ( const ValueType v ) noexcept : value ( clamp ( v )) {}
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator + ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value + rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value - rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator * ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint operator / ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * calc_inverse ( rhs . value ));
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator % ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value % rhs . value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator & ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value & rhs . value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator | ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value | rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ^ ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value ^ rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator << ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator >> ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value >> rhs . value , true );
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator += ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value += rhs . value ;
if ( value >= * modulo_ptr )
value -= * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value -= rhs . value ;
if ( value < 0 )
value += * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator *= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * rhs . value );
return * this ;
dynamic_modint & operator /= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) {
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * calc_inverse ( rhs . value ));
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator %= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value %= rhs . value ;
if ( value < 0 )
value += * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator &= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value &= rhs . value ;
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator |= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value |= rhs . value ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator ^= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value ^= rhs . value ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator <<= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs . value );
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator >>= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value >>= rhs . value ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator + ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value + clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value - clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator * ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint operator / ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > mul = ( rhs > 0 ) ? calc_inverse ( rhs ) : - calc_inverse ( - rhs );
return dynamic_modint ( mul * value );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator % ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value % rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator & ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value & rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator | ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value | rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ^ ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value ^ rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator << ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator >> ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value >> rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator += ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value + clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -= ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value - clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator *= ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value * clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
dynamic_modint & operator /= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > mul = ( rhs > 0 ) ? calc_inverse ( rhs ) : - calc_inverse ( - rhs );
value = clamp ( mul * value );
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator %= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value %= rhs ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator &= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value &= rhs ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator |= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value |= rhs ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator ^= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value ^= rhs ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator <<= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs );
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator >>= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value >>= rhs ;
return * this ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator ! () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator! : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value == 0 ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ~ () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator~ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( ~ value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - () const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value == 0 ? 0 : * modulo_ptr - value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint & operator + () const noexcept {
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator ++ () noexcept {
value = (( value + 1 == * modulo_ptr ) ? 0 : value + 1 );
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -- () noexcept {
value = (( value == 0 ) ? * modulo_ptr - 1 : value - 1 );
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint operator ++ ( int ) noexcept {
Tp res = value ;
++ ( * this );
return dynamic_modint ( res , true );
constexpr dynamic_modint operator -- ( int ) noexcept {
Tp res = value ;
-- ( * this );
return dynamic_modint ( res , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator == ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return value == rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator != ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return value != rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value < rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value <= rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value > rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value >= rhs . value ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator == ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return value == rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator != ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return value != rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value < rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value <= rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value > rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value >= rhs ;
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr operator Tp () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "A value of type static_modint has been cast to a primitive integer type." );
return value ;
//! @brief Read value (64-bit signed integer) from std::istream& is, take modulo, and store it in rhs.
//! @return std::istream& is
friend std :: istream & operator >> ( std :: istream & is , dynamic_modint & rhs ) {
std :: conditional_t < std :: is_integral_v < Tp > , long long , Tp > tmp ;
is >> tmp ;
if ( tmp < -* modulo_ptr || * modulo_ptr <= tmp )
tmp %= * modulo_ptr ;
if ( tmp < 0 )
tmp += * modulo_ptr ;
rhs . value = Tp ( tmp );
return is ;
//! @brief Print value to std::ostream& os
//! @return std::ostream& os
friend std :: ostream & operator << ( std :: ostream & os , dynamic_modint & rhs ) {
return os << rhs . value ;
//! @return multiplicative inverse
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint inv () const {
return dynamic_modint ( calc_inverse ( value ), true );
//! @tparam index_positive_guaranteed set true if and only if you can promise that index is positive
//! @tparam Tp integer type (deduced from parameter)
//! @param index index. This must be an integer, but doesn't have to be primitive.
//! @return index-th power of the value
//! @note Time complexity: O(log(index))
template < bool index_positive_guaranteed = true , typename T = int >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint pow ( T index ) const {
if constexpr ( ! index_positive_guaranteed ) {
if ( value == 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( 0 , true );
if ( index == 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( 1 , true );
if ( index < 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( value , true ). inv (). pow < true > ( - index );
dynamic_modint res ( 1 , true ), base ( value , true );
while ( index > 0 ) {
if ( index & 1 )
res *= base ;
base *= base ;
index >>= 1 ;
return res ;
//! @return a pair (a, b) such that b > 0, value is equal to a * (mult inverse of b), and (a + b) is minimal
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr std :: pair < Tp , Tp > to_frac () const noexcept {
Tp x = ( * modulo_ptr ) - value , y = value , u = 1 , v = 1 ;
std :: pair < Tp , Tp > res { value , 1 };
Tp num = value , den = 1 ;
Tp cost = num + den ;
while ( x > 0 ) {
if ( x <= num ) {
Tp q = num / x ;
num = num % x ;
den += q * u ;
if ( num == 0 )
break ;
if ( num + den < cost ) {
cost = num + den ;
res . first = num ;
res . second = den ;
Tp q = y / x ;
y = y % x ;
v += q * u ;
q = x / y ;
x = x % y ;
u += q * v ;
return res ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator + ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return rhs + lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator - ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return - rhs + lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator * ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return rhs * lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator / ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return rhs . inv () * lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator % ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > ( lhs % ( Tp ) rhs , true );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < LhsType >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator << ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) lhs << ( Tp ) rhs );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < LhsType >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator >> ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > ( lhs >> ( Tp ) rhs );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator += ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs += ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator -= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs -= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator *= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs *= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator /= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs /= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator %= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs %= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator &= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs &= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator |= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs |= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator ^= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs ^= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator <<= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs <<= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator >>= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs >>= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
} // namespace lib
# endif
#line 1 "include/algebra/dynamic_modint.hpp"
//! @file dynamic_modint.hpp
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
//! @brief Print warning message
//! @note You can suppress the warning by uncommenting the following line
# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (std::cerr << (msg) << '\n')
// # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))
# else
# define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0))
# define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# endif
//! @brief Assert macro
# define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__)
namespace lib {
namespace internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp {
template < typename Tp , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < Tp >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
using LongInt = std :: conditional_t < ( 64 <= std :: numeric_limits < Tp >:: digits ), __int128_t , std :: int_least64_t > ;
//! @brief modint (for runtime constant modulo)
//! @tparam Tp underlying integer type (e.g. int)
//! @tparam modulo_ptr pointer to modulo variable
template < typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
struct dynamic_modint {
Tp value ;
//! @param n non-zero integer
//! @return multiplicative inverse of n
//! @note Time complexity: O(log(n))
template < typename Sp >
[[ nodiscard ]] static Tp calc_inverse ( Sp n ) {
Tp b = * modulo_ptr , u = 1 , v = 0 , t ;
while ( b > 0 ) {
t = n / b ;
Tp tmp = ( n -= t * b );
n = b ;
b = tmp ;
tmp = ( u -= t * v );
u = v ;
v = tmp ;
if ( u < 0 )
u += * modulo_ptr ;
return static_cast < Tp > ( u );
//! @brief Calculate modulo and keep the value within [0, modulo)
//! @param v integer
//! @return integer within [0, *modulo_ptr)
//! @note Time complexity: O(1)
template < typename Sp >
static constexpr Tp clamp ( Sp v ) noexcept {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
if ( * modulo_ptr <= v || v < -* modulo_ptr )
v %= * modulo_ptr ;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
if ( v < 0 )
v += * modulo_ptr ;
return static_cast < Tp > ( v );
//! @brief underlying integer type
using type = Tp ;
//! @return reference to modulo (e.g. 1000000007)
[[ nodiscard ]] static type & mod () {
return * modulo_ptr ;
//! @brief Create a modint of value 0
constexpr dynamic_modint () noexcept : value ( 0 ) {}
//! @brief Create a modint without taking modulo
constexpr dynamic_modint ( const Tp v , bool ) noexcept : value ( v ) {}
//! @brief Create a modint
template < typename ValueType >
constexpr dynamic_modint ( const ValueType v ) noexcept : value ( clamp ( v )) {}
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator + ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value + rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value - rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator * ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint operator / ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * calc_inverse ( rhs . value ));
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator % ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value % rhs . value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator & ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value & rhs . value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator | ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value | rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ^ ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value ^ rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator << ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs . value );
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator >> ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value >> rhs . value , true );
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator += ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value += rhs . value ;
if ( value >= * modulo_ptr )
value -= * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value -= rhs . value ;
if ( value < 0 )
value += * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator *= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * rhs . value );
return * this ;
dynamic_modint & operator /= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) {
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * calc_inverse ( rhs . value ));
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator %= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value %= rhs . value ;
if ( value < 0 )
value += * modulo_ptr ;
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator &= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value &= rhs . value ;
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator |= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value |= rhs . value ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator ^= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value ^= rhs . value ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator <<= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs . value );
return * this ;
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator >>= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) noexcept {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value >>= rhs . value ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator + ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value + clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value - clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator * ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value * clamp ( rhs ));
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint operator / ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > mul = ( rhs > 0 ) ? calc_inverse ( rhs ) : - calc_inverse ( - rhs );
return dynamic_modint ( mul * value );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator % ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value % rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator & ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value & rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator | ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value | rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ^ ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value ^ rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator << ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs );
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator >> ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( value >> rhs , true );
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator += ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value + clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -= ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value - clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator *= ( const RhsType rhs ) noexcept {
value = clamp ( value * clamp ( rhs ));
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
dynamic_modint & operator /= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > mul = ( rhs > 0 ) ? calc_inverse ( rhs ) : - calc_inverse ( - rhs );
value = clamp ( mul * value );
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator %= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value %= rhs ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator &= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value &= rhs ;
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator |= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value |= rhs ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator ^= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value ^= rhs ;
clamp ();
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator <<= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value = clamp (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) value << rhs );
return * this ;
template < typename RhsType >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint & operator >>= ( const RhsType rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
value >>= rhs ;
return * this ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator ! () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator! : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value == 0 ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator ~ () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator~ : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint ( ~ value );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator - () const noexcept {
return dynamic_modint ( value == 0 ? 0 : * modulo_ptr - value , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint & operator + () const noexcept {
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator ++ () noexcept {
value = (( value + 1 == * modulo_ptr ) ? 0 : value + 1 );
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint & operator -- () noexcept {
value = (( value == 0 ) ? * modulo_ptr - 1 : value - 1 );
return * this ;
constexpr dynamic_modint operator ++ ( int ) noexcept {
Tp res = value ;
++ ( * this );
return dynamic_modint ( res , true );
constexpr dynamic_modint operator -- ( int ) noexcept {
Tp res = value ;
-- ( * this );
return dynamic_modint ( res , true );
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator == ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return value == rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator != ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const noexcept {
return value != rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value < rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value <= rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value > rhs . value ;
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const dynamic_modint rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value >= rhs . value ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator == ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return value == rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr bool operator != ( const RhsType rhs ) const noexcept {
return value != rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value < rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value <= rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value > rhs ;
template < typename RhsType >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const RhsType rhs ) const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return value >= rhs ;
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr operator Tp () const {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "A value of type static_modint has been cast to a primitive integer type." );
return value ;
//! @brief Read value (64-bit signed integer) from std::istream& is, take modulo, and store it in rhs.
//! @return std::istream& is
friend std :: istream & operator >> ( std :: istream & is , dynamic_modint & rhs ) {
std :: conditional_t < std :: is_integral_v < Tp > , long long , Tp > tmp ;
is >> tmp ;
if ( tmp < -* modulo_ptr || * modulo_ptr <= tmp )
tmp %= * modulo_ptr ;
if ( tmp < 0 )
tmp += * modulo_ptr ;
rhs . value = Tp ( tmp );
return is ;
//! @brief Print value to std::ostream& os
//! @return std::ostream& os
friend std :: ostream & operator << ( std :: ostream & os , dynamic_modint & rhs ) {
return os << rhs . value ;
//! @return multiplicative inverse
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint inv () const {
return dynamic_modint ( calc_inverse ( value ), true );
//! @tparam index_positive_guaranteed set true if and only if you can promise that index is positive
//! @tparam Tp integer type (deduced from parameter)
//! @param index index. This must be an integer, but doesn't have to be primitive.
//! @return index-th power of the value
//! @note Time complexity: O(log(index))
template < bool index_positive_guaranteed = true , typename T = int >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint pow ( T index ) const {
if constexpr ( ! index_positive_guaranteed ) {
if ( value == 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( 0 , true );
if ( index == 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( 1 , true );
if ( index < 0 )
return dynamic_modint ( value , true ). inv (). pow < true > ( - index );
dynamic_modint res ( 1 , true ), base ( value , true );
while ( index > 0 ) {
if ( index & 1 )
res *= base ;
base *= base ;
index >>= 1 ;
return res ;
//! @return a pair (a, b) such that b > 0, value is equal to a * (mult inverse of b), and (a + b) is minimal
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr std :: pair < Tp , Tp > to_frac () const noexcept {
Tp x = ( * modulo_ptr ) - value , y = value , u = 1 , v = 1 ;
std :: pair < Tp , Tp > res { value , 1 };
Tp num = value , den = 1 ;
Tp cost = num + den ;
while ( x > 0 ) {
if ( x <= num ) {
Tp q = num / x ;
num = num % x ;
den += q * u ;
if ( num == 0 )
break ;
if ( num + den < cost ) {
cost = num + den ;
res . first = num ;
res . second = den ;
Tp q = y / x ;
y = y % x ;
v += q * u ;
q = x / y ;
x = x % y ;
u += q * v ;
return res ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator + ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return rhs + lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator - ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return - rhs + lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] constexpr dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator * ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) noexcept {
return rhs * lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > operator / ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return rhs . inv () * lhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator % ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > ( lhs % ( Tp ) rhs , true );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < LhsType >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator << ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > (( internal :: dynamic_modint_hpp :: LongInt < Tp > ) lhs << ( Tp ) rhs );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr , std :: enable_if_t < std :: is_integral_v < LhsType >, std :: nullptr_t > = nullptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr >
operator >> ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > ( lhs >> ( Tp ) rhs );
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator += ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs += ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator -= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs -= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator *= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs *= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator /= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
return lhs /= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator %= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs %= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator &= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs &= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator |= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs |= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator ^= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs ^= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator <<= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs <<= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType & operator >>= ( LhsType & lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs >>= ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator < ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator <= ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator > ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
template < typename LhsType , typename Tp , Tp * modulo_ptr >
[[ nodiscard ]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator >= ( const LhsType lhs , const dynamic_modint < Tp , modulo_ptr > rhs ) {
CP_LIBRARY_WARN ( "dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?" );
return lhs < ( Tp ) rhs ;
} // namespace lib
# endif
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