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#define PROBLEM "" #include <iostream> #include <numeric> #include "../../../include/algebra/dynamic_modint.hpp" int MOD; int main() { using mint = lib::dynamic_modint<decltype(MOD), &MOD>; int T; std::cin >> T; while (T--) { int N, S, K; std::cin >> N >> S >> K; int G = std::gcd(N, K); if (K % N == 0 || (G != 1 && S % G != 0)) { std::cout << -1 << '\n'; continue; } G = std::gcd(G, S); MOD = N / G; S /= G; K /= G; std::cout << mint(-S) / K << '\n'; } }
#line 1 "test/algebra/dynamic_modint/4.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" #include <iostream> #include <numeric> #line 1 "include/algebra/dynamic_modint.hpp" //! @file dynamic_modint.hpp #ifndef CP_LIBRARY_DYNAMIC_MODINT_HPP #define CP_LIBRARY_DYNAMIC_MODINT_HPP #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #line 10 "include/algebra/dynamic_modint.hpp" #include <limits> #include <type_traits> #define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR #ifndef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # if (CP_LIBRARY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) //! @brief Print warning message //! @note You can suppress the warning by uncommenting the following line # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (std::cerr << (msg) << '\n') // # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0)) # else # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0)) # undef CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR # define CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR constexpr # endif # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED #endif #ifndef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT //! @brief Assert macro # define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__) # define CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED #endif namespace lib { namespace internal::dynamic_modint_hpp { template <typename Tp, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<Tp>, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr> using LongInt = std::conditional_t<(64 <= std::numeric_limits<Tp>::digits), __int128_t, std::int_least64_t>; } //! @brief modint (for runtime constant modulo) //! @tparam Tp underlying integer type (e.g. int) //! @tparam modulo_ptr pointer to modulo variable template <typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> struct dynamic_modint { private: Tp value; //! @param n non-zero integer //! @return multiplicative inverse of n //! @note Time complexity: O(log(n)) template <typename Sp> [[nodiscard]] static Tp calc_inverse(Sp n) { CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT(n != 0); Tp b = *modulo_ptr, u = 1, v = 0, t; while (b > 0) { t = n / b; Tp tmp = (n -= t * b); n = b; b = tmp; tmp = (u -= t * v); u = v; v = tmp; } if (u < 0) u += *modulo_ptr; return static_cast<Tp>(u); } //! @brief Calculate modulo and keep the value within [0, modulo) //! @param v integer //! @return integer within [0, *modulo_ptr) //! @note Time complexity: O(1) template <typename Sp> static constexpr Tp clamp(Sp v) noexcept { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare" if (*modulo_ptr <= v || v < -*modulo_ptr) v %= *modulo_ptr; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop if (v < 0) v += *modulo_ptr; return static_cast<Tp>(v); } public: //! @brief underlying integer type using type = Tp; //! @return reference to modulo (e.g. 1000000007) [[nodiscard]] static type& mod() { return *modulo_ptr; } //! @brief Create a modint of value 0 constexpr dynamic_modint() noexcept : value(0) {} //! @brief Create a modint without taking modulo constexpr dynamic_modint(const Tp v, bool) noexcept : value(v) {} //! @brief Create a modint template <typename ValueType> constexpr dynamic_modint(const ValueType v) noexcept : value(clamp(v)) {} [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator+(const dynamic_modint rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint(value + rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator-(const dynamic_modint rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint(value - rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator*(const dynamic_modint rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value * rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] dynamic_modint operator/(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { return dynamic_modint((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value * calc_inverse(rhs.value)); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator%(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value % rhs.value, true); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator&(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value & rhs.value, true); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator|(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value | rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator^(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value ^ rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator<<(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value << rhs.value); } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator>>(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value >> rhs.value, true); } constexpr dynamic_modint& operator+=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { value += rhs.value; if (value >= *modulo_ptr) value -= *modulo_ptr; return *this; } constexpr dynamic_modint& operator-=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { value -= rhs.value; if (value < 0) value += *modulo_ptr; return *this; } constexpr dynamic_modint& operator*=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { value = clamp((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value * rhs.value); return *this; } dynamic_modint& operator/=(const dynamic_modint rhs) { value = clamp((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value * calc_inverse(rhs.value)); return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator%=(const dynamic_modint rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value %= rhs.value; if (value < 0) value += *modulo_ptr; return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator&=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value &= rhs.value; return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator|=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value |= rhs.value; clamp(); return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator^=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value ^= rhs.value; clamp(); return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator<<=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value = clamp((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value << rhs.value); return *this; } CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator>>=(const dynamic_modint rhs) noexcept { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value >>= rhs.value; return *this; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator+(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint(value + clamp(rhs)); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator-(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint(value - clamp(rhs)); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator*(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept { return dynamic_modint((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value * clamp(rhs)); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] dynamic_modint operator/(const RhsType rhs) const { internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp> mul = (rhs > 0) ? calc_inverse(rhs) : -calc_inverse(-rhs); return dynamic_modint(mul * value); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator%(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value % rhs, true); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator&(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator& : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value & rhs, true); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator|(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator| : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value | rhs); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator^(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator^ : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value ^ rhs); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator<<(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value << rhs); } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator>>(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(value >> rhs, true); } template <typename RhsType> constexpr dynamic_modint& operator+=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept { value = clamp(value + clamp(rhs)); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> constexpr dynamic_modint& operator-=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept { value = clamp(value - clamp(rhs)); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> constexpr dynamic_modint& operator*=(const RhsType rhs) noexcept { value = clamp(value * clamp(rhs)); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> dynamic_modint& operator/=(const RhsType rhs) { internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp> mul = (rhs > 0) ? calc_inverse(rhs) : -calc_inverse(-rhs); value = clamp(mul * value); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator%=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value %= rhs; return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator&=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value &= rhs; return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator|=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value |= rhs; clamp(); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator^=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value ^= rhs; clamp(); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator<<=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value = clamp((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) value << rhs); return *this; } template <typename RhsType> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint& operator>>=(const RhsType rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); value >>= rhs; return *this; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator!() const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator! : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value == 0; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint operator~() const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator~ : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint(~value); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint operator-() const noexcept { return dynamic_modint(value == 0 ? 0 : *modulo_ptr - value, true); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint& operator+() const noexcept { return *this; } constexpr dynamic_modint& operator++() noexcept { value = ((value + 1 == *modulo_ptr) ? 0 : value + 1); return *this; } constexpr dynamic_modint& operator--() noexcept { value = ((value == 0) ? *modulo_ptr - 1 : value - 1); return *this; } constexpr dynamic_modint operator++(int) noexcept { Tp res = value; ++(*this); return dynamic_modint(res, true); } constexpr dynamic_modint operator--(int) noexcept { Tp res = value; --(*this); return dynamic_modint(res, true); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const dynamic_modint rhs) const noexcept { return value == rhs.value; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const dynamic_modint rhs) const noexcept { return value != rhs.value; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value < rhs.value; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value <= rhs.value; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value > rhs.value; } [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const dynamic_modint rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value >= rhs.value; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept { return value == rhs; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const RhsType rhs) const noexcept { return value != rhs; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value < rhs; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value <= rhs; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value > rhs; } template <typename RhsType> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const RhsType rhs) const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return value >= rhs; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator Tp() const { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("A value of type static_modint has been cast to a primitive integer type."); return value; } //! @brief Read value (64-bit signed integer) from std::istream& is, take modulo, and store it in rhs. //! @return std::istream& is friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, dynamic_modint& rhs) { std::conditional_t<std::is_integral_v<Tp>, long long, Tp> tmp; is >> tmp; if (tmp < -*modulo_ptr || *modulo_ptr <= tmp) tmp %= *modulo_ptr; if (tmp < 0) tmp += *modulo_ptr; rhs.value = Tp(tmp); return is; } //! @brief Print value to std::ostream& os //! @return std::ostream& os friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, dynamic_modint& rhs) { return os << rhs.value; } //! @return multiplicative inverse [[nodiscard]] dynamic_modint inv() const { return dynamic_modint(calc_inverse(value), true); } //! @tparam index_positive_guaranteed set true if and only if you can promise that index is positive //! @tparam Tp integer type (deduced from parameter) //! @param index index. This must be an integer, but doesn't have to be primitive. //! @return index-th power of the value //! @note Time complexity: O(log(index)) template <bool index_positive_guaranteed = true, typename T = int> [[nodiscard]] dynamic_modint pow(T index) const { if constexpr (!index_positive_guaranteed) { if (value == 0) return dynamic_modint(0, true); if (index == 0) return dynamic_modint(1, true); if (index < 0) return dynamic_modint(value, true).inv().pow<true>(-index); } dynamic_modint res(1, true), base(value, true); while (index > 0) { if (index & 1) res *= base; base *= base; index >>= 1; } return res; } //! @return a pair (a, b) such that b > 0, value is equal to a * (mult inverse of b), and (a + b) is minimal [[nodiscard]] constexpr std::pair<Tp, Tp> to_frac() const noexcept { Tp x = (*modulo_ptr) - value, y = value, u = 1, v = 1; std::pair<Tp, Tp> res {value, 1}; Tp num = value, den = 1; Tp cost = num + den; while (x > 0) { if (x <= num) { Tp q = num / x; num = num % x; den += q * u; if (num == 0) break; if (num + den < cost) { cost = num + den; res.first = num; res.second = den; } } Tp q = y / x; y = y % x; v += q * u; q = x / y; x = x % y; u += q * v; } return res; } }; template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator+(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) noexcept { return rhs + lhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator-(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) noexcept { return -rhs + lhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] constexpr dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator*(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) noexcept { return rhs * lhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator/(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { return rhs.inv() * lhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator%(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator% : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr>(lhs % (Tp) rhs, true); } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<LhsType>, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator<<(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr>((internal::dynamic_modint_hpp::LongInt<Tp>) lhs << (Tp) rhs); } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<LhsType>, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> operator>>(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr>(lhs >> (Tp) rhs); } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator+=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { return lhs += (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator-=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { return lhs -= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator*=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { return lhs *= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator/=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { return lhs /= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator%=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator%= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs %= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator&=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator&= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs &= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator|=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator|= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs |= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator^=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator^= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs ^= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator<<=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator<<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs <<= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR LhsType& operator>>=(LhsType& lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("operator>>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs >>= (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator< : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs < (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator<= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs < (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator> : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs < (Tp) rhs; } template <typename LhsType, typename Tp, Tp* modulo_ptr> [[nodiscard]] CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const LhsType lhs, const dynamic_modint<Tp, modulo_ptr> rhs) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("dynamic_modint::operator>= : Are you sure you want to do this?"); return lhs < (Tp) rhs; } } // namespace lib #undef CP_LIBRARY_USE_CONSTEXPR #ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED # ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # endif #endif #ifdef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED # undef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT # undef CP_LIBRARY_ASSERT_NOT_DEFINED #endif #endif // CP_LIBRARY_DYNAMIC_MODINT_HPP #line 6 "test/algebra/dynamic_modint/4.test.cpp" int MOD; int main() { using mint = lib::dynamic_modint<decltype(MOD), &MOD>; int T; std::cin >> T; while (T--) { int N, S, K; std::cin >> N >> S >> K; int G = std::gcd(N, K); if (K % N == 0 || (G != 1 && S % G != 0)) { std::cout << -1 << '\n'; continue; } G = std::gcd(G, S); MOD = N / G; S /= G; K /= G; std::cout << mint(-S) / K << '\n'; } }