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#define PROBLEM "" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "../../../include/string/run_length_encoding.hpp" int main() { int N; std::string S; std::cin >> N >> S; std::cout << std::size(lib::run_length_encoding(S)) << '\n'; }
#line 1 "test/string/run_length_encoding/1.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" #include <iostream> #include <string> #line 1 "include/string/run_length_encoding.hpp" //! @file run_length_encoding.hpp #ifndef CP_LIBRARY_RUN_LENGTH_ENCODING_HPP #define CP_LIBRARY_RUN_LENGTH_ENCODING_HPP #line 8 "include/string/run_length_encoding.hpp" #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <vector> #ifndef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # if (CP_LIBRARY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) //! @brief Print warning message //! @note You can suppress the warning by uncommenting the following line # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (std::cerr << (msg) << '\n') // # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0)) # else # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN(msg) (static_cast<void>(0)) # endif # define CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED #endif namespace lib { //! @tparam Container container type (deduced from parameter) //! @param src source container (std::string, std::vector, std::deque, ...) //! @return A std::vector<std::pair<element type of src, int>> which contains the RLE result. //! @note Time complexity: O(size(src)) template <typename Container> [[nodiscard]] auto run_length_encoding(const Container& src) { using Elem = std::decay_t<decltype(*std::cbegin(std::declval<Container>()))>; if (src.empty()) { CP_LIBRARY_WARN("An empty container is provided."); return std::vector<std::pair<Elem, int>> {}; } std::vector<std::pair<Elem, int>> res {{*std::cbegin(src), 1}}; auto iter2 = std::cbegin(src); auto iter1 = iter2++; for (; iter2 != std::cend(src); std::advance(iter2, 2)) { if (*iter1 == *iter2) ++res.back().second; else res.emplace_back(*iter2, 1); std::swap(iter1, iter2); } return res; } } // namespace lib #ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN_NOT_DEFINED # ifdef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # undef CP_LIBRARY_WARN # endif #endif #endif // CP_LIBRARY_RUN_LENGTH_ENCODING_HPP #line 6 "test/string/run_length_encoding/1.test.cpp" int main() { int N; std::string S; std::cin >> N >> S; std::cout << std::size(lib::run_length_encoding(S)) << '\n'; }